
How To Access Genshin Impact Settings

What do you lot practise in Genshin Impact when you want to change the resolution or your controls? You head straight to the Settings carte and make your changes. Every bit an AAA championship, Genshin Bear on has a high degree of customization available.

How to Open Settings in Genshin Impact

Knowing how to open settings in Genshin Impact is crucial to enhancing your gaming experience. If you need to adjust something, this article volition show you how. We'll also reply some related questions.

How to Open Settings on Genshin Impact

Equally Genshin Impact is available on many dissimilar platforms, the exact methods to open the Settings bill of fare volition differ. The game calls the intermission menu the Paimon Menu, named later your diminutive assistant you meet just afterwards yous start playing.

Here'south how information technology's done on each of the leading platforms.

PS4 and PS5

On both the PS4 and PS5, users can interruption the games past pressing the Options push button at the controller's right. Y'all can find information technology right abreast the triangle button and above the right stick. Pressing it will pause the game and bring up the Paimon Menu.

On the Paimon Carte, yous can move the left control stick down until you accomplish the gear icon at the bottom. That'south the "Settings" icon, and you just have to select information technology. From in that location, you'll see some other menu.

  1. When playing Genshin Bear upon, printing the Options button.
  2. Motion and select the gear icon.
  3. This is the Settings bill of fare.
  4. Start adjusting the settings.
  5. When done, you can shut it by pressing the circle button.

From the settings carte, you tin change your controls, resolution, and other settings as you see fit. Both the PS4 and PS5 also let you lot use a keyboard and mouse for Genshin Impact. Originally, you were stuck with default keyboard controls, simply an update has since allowed for different keybinds.

Using a keyboard to play Genshin Impact on a PS4 or PS5 volition grant more than precise options, which is why some gamers do so. The controls are similar to playing on Windows, which we'll talk over right below.

Windows ten

A potent computer volition brand Genshin Bear on await gorgeous since miHoYo spent a lot on aesthetics and graphics. Using a keyboard and mouse is also great for MMORPGs, and Genshin Touch on is no exception.

Here's how you will open up Settings for Genshin Impact on Windows:

  1. Press the "Esc" cardinal on your keyboard.
  2. The Paimon Menu volition pop up.
  3. Movement your mouse to the gear icon.
  4. Click the gear icon.
  5. The Settings menu will appear onscreen.
  6. Start customizing your gaming feel.
  7. Close the card later on you're done.

On PC, you're also able to use a controller to play the game. The steps for changing your settings should be the same as the to a higher place section. However, depending on your controller, the exact buttons to push can differ.

Notably, the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller isn't supported without the utilize of 3rd-party programs. Some users claim that running Genshin Bear on through Steam works, just a few others require the extra programs. As such, we don't recommend that you use a Pro Controller to play Genshin Bear upon.

You can connect many types of controllers, such every bit Xbox 1/X/S controllers, PS4/PS5 controllers, and even third-party joysticks. Equally long every bit the game recognizes the controller and pairs up with information technology, you can play with a controller on PC.

Y'all accept more control over the graphics on PC also. Since Windows PCs tend to let you suit the screen resolution from SD to HD and to a higher place, you tin can modify it, then your reckoner isn't overloaded.


Playing on Android will necessitate you to use the touch screen to control the character. Since everything is on-screen, you might press the wrong push button past fault. miHoYo decided to assign the Paimon Menu on Android by borer Paimon instead.

Her icon is located at the top-left corner, a little to the left of the map. Since you have nothing there to press during gainsay, placing the Paimon icon there is a dandy mode to prevent accidents.

Hither's how you lot admission the Settings menu on Android:

  1. When playing Genshin Touch on on your Android telephone, tap Paimon.
  2. The Paimon Menu will appear onscreen.
  3. Tap the gear icon nigh the bottom.
  4. The Settings carte will announced.
  5. Start fiddling with the settings.
  6. When you're done, press the big ''10'' at the elevation-correct to go out.

On Android, you practise have some control over the graphics, just not as much equally on Windows. You tin can select from Lowest to Highest graphics qualities or something Custom. You can also adjust the FPS values.

These and the other graphics settings should just be turned to the highest if your Android device is capable. We recommend you turn the graphics down for some phones since they might non run college settings smoothly.

If you notice some frame drops and lag, we recommend reducing your settings so the game can run without hiccups. These hiccups can cause you to die in-game or make navigating hell.


Genshin Touch on is also available on the iPhone and other iOS devices. The game is functionally identical to its Android version. You can use the same controls merely similar on Android.

Here'due south how yous'll suit the settings on an iPhone:

  1. When playing Genshin Bear upon on your iPhone, tap Paimon's icon at the top-left.

  2. The Paimon Menu will appear onscreen. Tap the gear icon near the lesser-left.

  3. The Settings carte will announced. Start lilliputian with the settings.
  4. When you're done, press the big ''10'' at the top right to go out.

You tin can admission the same graphical settings on iPhone equally nosotros talked near in the Android section. iPhones are decent for gaming, but they can still heat upwardly quickly. Every bit a event, nosotros recommend you set your graphics to medium.

Having intermediate settings won't ruin Genshin Impact's aesthetics too much, and you won't risk your phone condign an oven. If your phone heats up, it ways it's struggling to run the game. Y'all'll as well find it uncomfortable to play on your phone while it'due south hot.

What Can You Arrange in the Settings Menu?

Some of the aspects you can adjust in Genshin Impact's Settings carte are:

  • Controls
  • Graphics
  • Audio
  • Letters
  • Language
  • Business relationship

Depending on your platform, there are other settings within these categories. For example, on PC, you lot can choose to enable Five-Sync, Motion Blur, and more. Mobile platforms and PS4/PS5 take fewer options overall, only the general carte du jour structure is the same.

Additional FAQs

Here are the answers to more of your questions about the Settings and options in Genshin Touch on.

How Do I Adjust My Genshin Touch Window?

Before you launch the game, you tin configure graphics settings outside of the game. This lets yous adjust them.

i. Open the launcher.

2. Hold the "Shift" push button and click "Launch."

3. Go along holding the button until the Configuration window pops up.

four. You lot can arrange the resolution and choose fullscreen or windowed in this carte du jour.

5. When yous're washed, you tin can click "Play!" beneath.

This is a user-friendly way to accommodate the game'southward graphics without launching it start.

Sometimes, the launcher's window appears too large for your monitor, so y'all can't play. Fortunately, we have a mode to set up this.

i. Right-click your Genshin Bear on shortcut.

2. Select "Properties."

3. Go to "Compatibility."

4. Select "Change Loftier DPI Settings."

5. Under "High DPI Scaling Override," cheque the box abreast "Override High DPI Scaling Behavior."

half-dozen. At the driblet-downwards carte du jour below this line of text, select "Organization."

seven. Click OK and do information technology over again on the next page.

eight. Restart your PC, and the problem should go away.

Volition Genshin Touch on Be on Switch?

Genshin for Switch is in evolution. Notwithstanding, the game has run into a few difficulties regarding the Nintendo Switch's hardware. The developers stated that some of the problems it ran into include microtransactions and more.

The Switch version has been in evolution since January 2022, but at the time of writing, there is very little news on it. We imagine that it will take a while before it'due south available. When it releases, all the Genshin Bear upon fans will rejoice.

Like the other versions, the Switch version should permit for full cross-platform multiplayer. For now, we can only wait for miHoYo to tackle any problems before making the Switch version a reality.

How Can Your Computer Run Genshin Impact then Well?

Knowing how to open up settings in Genshin Impact is important, equally you can make your feel even more memorable. miHoYo poured enough of resource into creating a beautiful game with lots of customization options. Y'all should take advantage of the settings card.

What are your graphics settings for Genshin Touch? Which platform exercise you prefer playing the game on? You can tell us in the comments section; we're excited to read it!


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