
How To Set Resolution In Jira


There may be times where the resolution of an consequence is incorrectly prepare and you wish to modify it. This article goes through the steps on how to alter it.

One or more of the following has occurred in your JIRA applications:

  1. The awarding has somehow got into a state where the issue resolution is notUnresolved, rather it is blank.
  2. Bundled Project Issue Filters are not returning the appropriate results as the JQL is not being matched.
  3. Problems appears as Strike Through on the Action Stream but not nonetheless resolved or closed.
  4. An effect has a resolution for an issue that is not resolved.
  5. An issue is closed, nevertheless it does not accept a resolution.
  6. An upshot is closed but it still appears on the Assigned to Me.
  7. An issue is closed just it does not reflects on the Consequence Summary Open up vs Resolved Issue Chart.

For example:


This is known to be caused by either of the following:

  • A postal service-office on a workflow that manipulates the resolution.
  • Adding the resolution field to a screen, then using that screen to modify the issue. The resolution will be forced to be entered as per the default System Field Configuration.
  • Calculation the Resolution field as required on the default screen
  • Defined a Resolution called Unresolved and associate with the consequence itself.

JIRA applications by default volition mark an consequence as Unresolved when the resolution field does non having whatever value on it. Similarly, if an issue does non behave any value on the Resolution Field, JIRA applications will see it as not still resolved.


Use the below workaround for the following symptoms in your JIRA applications:

  • The application has somehow got into a country where the outcome resolution is notUnresolved, rather it is blank.
  • Bundled Project Issue Filters are not returning the appropriate results as the JQL is not being matched.
  • Issues appears equally Strike Through on the Action Stream but non yet resolved or airtight.
  • An outcome has a resolution for an issue that is non resolved.

First, remove the Resolution field from all screens except those that resolve the upshot, ensuring the resolution field will be bachelor on the Resolve Issue screen. This can be then exist fixed in those problematic issues past adding a step to the workflow that will reset the resolution, as below.

  1. Backup your case.
  2. Copy the workflow for the affected projection.
  3. Add a transition for the affected condition(es) called 'Gear up Resolution' with the destination as the step information technology originated from (then it doesn't alter the status).
  4. Add the 'Update Issue Field' postal service-office to that transition, as in the instance below:
  5. Make sure the transition has been configured to burn Issue Resolved consequence to becomeResolution Date set properly.
  6. As in our Configuring workflow schemes, add a new workflow scheme and associate the advisable Consequence Types to the new workflow.
  7. Modify the project so that it uses the new workflow.
  8. Using a Bulk Operation to edit those issues using the 'Set Resolution' transition. This volition reset the field to None.
  9. Alter the project back to the original workflow.

We also accept an improvement request tracked for this under JRASERVER-11444 - Getting upshot details... Condition .

Utilise the below workaround for the post-obit symptoms in your JIRA applications:

  • An issue is airtight, nonetheless it does not have a resolution.
  • An upshot is closed just it still appears on the Assigned to Me.
  • An issue is closed but information technology does not reflects on the Issue Summary Open vs Resolved Issue Nautical chart.
  1. Backup your instance.
  2. Copy the workflow for that project.
  3. Add a transition for the affected status(es) chosen 'Set Resolution' with the destination as the step it originated from (so information technology doesn't modify the status).
  4. Add the 'Update Issue Field' post-function to that transition, but this fourth dimension, instead of setting it to None similar the steps to a higher place, you should gear up information technology to the desired status, 'Stock-still' or whatsoever resolution.
  5. Every bit in our Configuring workflow schemes, add a new workflow scheme and acquaintance the advisable Issue Types to the new workflow.
  6. Modify the Project so that information technology uses the new workflow.
  7. Using a Majority Performance to edit those issues using the 'Fix Resolution' transition. This will set the field to the selected resolution.
  8. Change the project dorsum to the original workflow.

Alternate Method with Script Runner

This is an alternate method to clear resolutions on tickets

  1. Install the Script Runner addition
  2. Build a search for all bug that are using the user created unresolved condition
  3. Save search as a filter
  4. Use the congenital-in script to set items in that filter to whatever bachelor resolution
  5. Remove the unresolved status listed under Assistants >> Bug >> Issue Attributes >> Resolutions

How To Set Resolution In Jira,


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